Sunday, January 17, 2010

A Collaboration is Born

Im a little late posting this since Pang posted on her blog on Wednesday but I wanted to announce a new project Im working on. Its a collaboration with my dearest Pee Pang. We are taking one picture a week (alternating between horizontal and vertical) and then putting them together to see what kind of results we get, what kind of unintentional relationships can be drawn between them, or what kind of story we can create. Eventually we might move to planned themes but for right now we are working themelessly.
Check back once a week to see what we come up with!

1 comment:

Tess Carter said...

exciting- :) look forward to seeing more of them!

PS- i posted on my blog about someone i found who made cupcakes in orange peels! Nothing really fancy involved, but in case you didn't see it, I wanted to tell you- thought you'd think that was cool :)